It is increasingly common for companies to make use of service numbers to offer their customers specific services (e.g. order hotlines, support hotlines, advice hotlines, etc.). In most cases, this involves a call center or the use of pure voice applications. The rate for the call is determined by the number. Companies must therefore first decide which number should be used for the offered service. The prefix type should be selected based on the added value offered, among other factors.
Use a toll-free 0800 service number for new customer acquisition or capitalize on the image-enhancing effect of a toll-free number to increase customer satisfaction with your service quality.
With 0180 service numbers, you share the incurred charges with the customer while ensuring cost transparency and offering a uniform rate throughout Germany of between 3.9 and 14 cents/minute (price from the fixed network).
The higher-priced numbers of the 0900 block are particularly well suited for high-end services in the area of adult entertainment, lucrative contests, advice hotlines (such as astrology services) or qualified technical support.
These services earn additional profits for your company through correspondingly higher rates while offering your callers affordable added value paid for via their telephone bill.
The classic 0137 prefix can be used for contests or televoting, among other possibilities. The rates from fixed networks range here between € 0.14 / call and € 1.00 / call.
Our company also has years of experience in the area of voice applications and associated voice recordings. We have a pool of qualified speakers and our own recording studio. If you have need of a connected voice application, we would be pleased to prepare for you a comprehensive offer that is tailored to your company.
We would be happy to advise you and assist you in selecting the right number as well as creating any desired voice applications.
Please call us at 0180 500 70 70*
or by email at:
* 14 ct/Minute